What is it about?
Automated Test
Test Set
Test Suite
Test Code Design
Test Automation Framework
TAF Design Strategy
TAF Development Strategy
Automation Manifest
Continuous Delivery
Automated Test
Test Set
Test Suite
Test Code Design
Test Automation Framework
TAF Design Strategy
TAF Development Strategy
Automation Manifest
Continuous Delivery
Hermeneutics of automation includes all these and other concepts to form the topos of automation. The engineer cannot speak about automation without a professional discourse. In this blog, I describe the understanding of automation using the science perspective. I would like speak about automation in fully explicit mode, without any hidden intention of the author.
Research Approach
1. define the issue (the automation problem);
2. define the object of research;
3. set up the task;
4. choose the suitable theory resource;
5. redefine the issue on the theory resource language;
6. define the subject of research;
7. define methods to solve the issue;
8. form the lead position;
9. form some oppositions;
10. conduct the encounter of described positions;
11. make conclusions.